
Modernizing Data Platforms for a Leading Medical technology & Solutions Company

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Case Study

Modernizing Data Platforms for a Leading Medical technology & Solutions Company

Technology Table

Technology Scripts Timeline Automation % Cost Savings %
SAPHANA to Snowflake 700+ 2 Months 93% 70%

In a time of fast-paced tech advancements, a visionary leader in Medical Technology & Solutions embarked on a journey of transformation, poised to redefine the landscape of healthcare delivery. Guided by an unyielding commitment to innovation and a profound vision of augmenting patient well-being, the organization judiciously elected to fortify its technological infrastructure. This strategic endeavor not only underscores a dedication to excellence but also positions the company at the forefront of a thriving era in healthcare innovation

Business Vision:

The transformation aimed to revolutionize data management and analytics, empowering the leading medical technology and solution company to accelerate research, development, and delivery of cutting-edge medical solutions. The vision was to leverage technology for quicker, more precise healthcare solutions, ultimately enhancing patient care globally.


  • Legacy Systems Integration: Navigating the integration of legacy systems with state-of-the-art technologies posed a significant challenge. Ensuring seamless interoperability while preserving existing investments demanded meticulous planning and execution.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Operating in a highly regulated industry, Leading Medical Technology & Solutions had to navigate complex compliance standards. Adhering to stringent regulatory requirements while driving technological innovation required a delicate balance.
  • Scalability and Performance: Anticipating future growth and scalability was a critical concern. The technology transformation needed to not only meet current demands but also pave the way for seamless expansion and performance enhancement.
  • Knowledge Gaps: The presence of knowledge gaps emerged as a critical concern, especially in light of limited documentation and a nuanced understanding of legacy applications. This scarcity of comprehensive information posed substantial risks, potentially resulting in data loss, discrepancies, or system downtime during the migration process.
  • Modernization Demand: With a diverse customer group, the medical technology & solutions company faced the challenge of meeting the modernization demands of various stakeholders. The transformation not only met these demands but also positioned us as an industry leader in innovation.

Solution Approach:

  • End-to-End Data Modernization: DataSwitch provided a comprehensive approach to modernizing the entire data platform. This involved crafting a migration strategy for the existing SAP HANA to Snowflake.
  • DS Migrate Process Converter: DataSwitch harnessed the advanced capabilities of DS Migrate Process Converter to streamline the transition from SAP HANA to Snowflake. This automated tool ensured a smooth conversion of SAP HANA DB scripts to the Snowflake platform, minimizing manual intervention and ensuring precision.
  • Synchronized Efforts with the Proserv Team: DataSwitch’s adept Professional Services team collaborated closely with the client’s Data team throughout the migration journey. Their expertise and guidance played a pivotal role in achieving a seamless and effective conversion of the Schema and ETL processes.
  • Platform support: post-migration, DataSwitch provided continuous support to address any emerging issues. Their platform support included round-the-clock assistance and the deployment of advanced monitoring tools, ensuring the ongoing optimal performance of the newly modernized system.
  • Value Delivered

    • 700+ SAP HANA Scripts: Successfully converted to Snowflake Scripts.
    • 93% Automation: Achieved high automation efficiency.
    • 70% faster processing time: The migration to Snowflake resulted in a 70% reduction in processing time compared to the legacy infrastructure. This improvement enhanced the overall performance and responsiveness of the data platform.
    • 70% Cost savings: By moving away from legacy systems and optimizing the data platform, the company realized substantial cost savings. Reduced operational costs, combined with the efficiencies gained from the new platform, had a positive impact on the company’s profitability.
    • Coding Guidelines: Defined and applied coding guidelines for the conversion process.

    Fast Facts

  • Technologies: DS Migrate, SAP HANA, Snowflake
  • Engagement Model: Platform + Professional services
  • Other Details: Enabled 1500+ users with Self-Service translation services
  • Conclusion:

    DataSwitch’s all-encompassing end-to-end solution provided the leading medical technology and solutions company in the US with the means to effectively modernize its data platform. This approach not only resulted in significant time and cost savings but also led to a remarkable enhancement in the overall efficiency of data processing and business analytics. Equipped with a newly agile and modern data platform, the organization is now in a stronger position to accomplish its strategic growth objectives and capitalize on emerging business prospects.

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